As the leading private recruiter in Morocco, LabelVie Group is concerned on a daily basis with the safety and quality of life at work of its 6000 employees. LabelVie Group relies on the skills of its employees and their involvement to help them progress fairly by offering them career opportunities. Employees are integrated into all decision-making processes in a responsible manner so that they can act and carry out their missions. In order to perpetuate its Human Resources policy, LabelVie Group is pursuing the following projects
To ensure that each of its employees develop their skills, essential to their career plan, LabelVie Group draws up an annual catalog of training courses adapted to each population. The training courses are thus designed according to the needs of each department and provided according to the professions.
LabelVie Group promotes health through its decentralized occupational medicine system for each region. A work accident prevention system has also been installed to identify the risks associated with each workstation. The LabelVie Group provides its employees with social spaces (canteens, changing rooms, company restaurants, rest rooms, etc.) to allow them to benefit from optimal conditions for the performance of their duties. In terms of well-being at work, several events are organized such as sweet breaks, sports competitions and team buildings.
Performance and competence, these are the essential criteria for internal, external recruitment or promotion. These qualities determine the recruitment and career management policy that the Group has established. In order to ensure gender parity, LabelVie Group steers its career management by monitoring gender parity indicators concerning recruitment and internal promotions. Salary grids are also in favor of gender equity, with regard of course to the weight of the position. A permanent audit of remuneration levels makes it possible to constantly adapt salary scales to the reality on the ground and in the retail sector. Finally, in collaboration with occupational physicians, LabelVie Group undertakes the redeployment of employees with disabilities, for better adaptation to the position.
Because the vagaries of life spare no one, LabelVie Group advocates solidarity within its teams. When one of the employees faces a situation of vulnerability, LabelVie Group provides support.
For 10 years, a social assistance fund (COS) has been set up, financed up to 50% by LabelVie Group and up to 50% by its employees. Each employee can contribute voluntarily and up to his or her financial means. In return, the member of the fund benefits from social assistance in the event of a claim, incident or unforeseen event.
Health being a vital subject, LabelVie Group includes in its annual calendar, health prevention meetings in partnership with experts for all employees.
In order to promote the balance between private life and professional life, several social actions are scheduled to deal with subjects such as maternity and parenthood. These events are real opportunities to create links between employees.
Children are also honored with the award for academic excellence. This is an event which rewards each year the best graduates, children of employees.
Finally, sports meetings are organized internally, to strengthen the spirit of belonging, rapprochement and team cohesion.
LabelVie Group undertakes to fight against all forms of prohibited work. The internal regulations and the code of professional conduct (drawn up with all the parties concerned) govern the rights and obligations of employees.
LabelVie Group prohibits the recruitment of minors, night work for women and forced labor.
The suppliers and partners of LabelVie Group have been associated with this commitment and have formalized it by signing the appendix to the contract dealing with fundamental rights.