“CARE Morocco has been working with the most vulnerable populations since 2008. We are convinced today that the fight against poverty will only be effective if each actor in society unites its efforts and converges towards this ultimate goal: the eradication of poverty.
The convergence of efforts between state actors, civil society, the private sector and citizens aiming at a complementary synergy can offer sustainable solutions allowing each citizen to live with dignity and in an equitable world thus inserting itself in this chain of values”.
Razkaoui Hlima, country manager, CARE Morocco
“As a Moroccan company and citizen, LabelVie Group is committed every day to promoting and facilitating access to healthy food for as many people as possible. The very essence of our business is to offer the best products at the best prices to all our customers, and when certain populations are in a precarious situation, it is our duty and responsibility to commit ourselves to associations and institutions such as Care Morocco, to facilitate access to basic necessities, especially in the health, economic and social crisis that our world is experiencing. Mrs. Chrystèle Ronceray, Deputy Managing Director of the LabelVie Group in charge of Marketing, Development and Communication.
About CARE Morocco
Created 14 years ago, CARE Morocco is a Moroccan association, under Moroccan law, non-denominational and non-political, recognized as being of public utility and belonging to the largest humanitarian aid networks in the world.
CARE works with impoverished populations, particularly women, who are an essential part of CARE’s community-based efforts to improve basic education and expand economic opportunities for all.