LabelVie Group announces that it has been awarded the CGEM Corporate Social Responsibility Label and becomes the first large-scale retailer in Morocco to receive the label.
Since its creation in 1986 by Moroccan entrepreneurs, LabelVie Group has always taken up challenges, whether human, technological or economic, for its territorial development and growth dynamics.
It has succeeded in building a human resources management system based on the recognition and enhancement of skills, on which 8,000 women and men rely on a daily basis to achieve a fine collective performance. It has also forged bonds of trust with its partners and suppliers, with whom it has a long-term commitment. And to confirm its territorial anchorage, it has developed a multi-format network that currently has 106 stores in 26 cities throughout the country, and which is set to expand each year.
LabelVie Group also owes its success to the fact that it has always thoughtfully taken into account the social concerns and societal interactions of its internal and external stakeholders.
Also, fully integrated into the group’s policy since 2017, Corporate Social Responsibility has been placed at the heart of its strategy in order to meet the expectations of all its stakeholders and those of all the communities affected by its activities.
Carried to the highest level of the company, the group wished to formalize this proactive approach by obtaining the CGEM CSR label.
The label was awarded after an evaluation by the extra-financial rating agency Vigeo in light of all the criteria defined in the CGEM’s CSR Charter, in line with the universal objectives of social responsibility.
Indeed, to build its CSR policy, LabelVie Group has capitalized on its values and fundamentals that have made it successful while taking into account the specificities of its businesses and its value chain. Thus, the group’s social responsibility policy is based on five commitments: customer orientation, human capital development, social development, environmental protection and business ethics.
Several actions have been undertaken by the group to meet its commitments, such as the in-house training provided each year by Label’Ecole for the benefit of 1,500 employees, and the professionalization and work-study programs for young graduates thanks to its various partnerships with schools and universities. With regard to the environment, the Group has undertaken to cover the structure of its stores with a photovoltaic roof in order to be virtually self-sufficient in energy. The experiment carried out at the Atacadao site in Meknes has been operational since October 2019 and has reduced energy costs by almost 23%. Launched in 2019, another initiative relating to the management and recycling of waste in all large formats, has resulted in the collection and reuse of 6,700 tons of waste.
This recognition confirms LabelVie Group’s commitment and anchoring in the Moroccan ecosystem and testifies to its ambition to become the benchmark CSR player in Morocco’s mass retail sector.